“You can’t write novels without a touch of paranoia. I’m paranoid as an act of good citizenship, concerned about what the powerful people are up to.”
—Kurt Vonnegut to Israel Shenker. The New York Times. March 21, 1969.
A Selection of My Writings
The Miami Herald:
"Florida Bill Would Help Save Young Lives"
In this op-ed, I discussed my years of advocacy for EKG screenings and my personal story of how an EKG screening saved my life. The column was written and placed in The Miami Herald as part of my work with a coalition of cardiac nonprofits working to pass CS/HB157 in Florida, a bill to require EKG screenings for student athletes and CPR trainings in public schools.
In the aftermath of the storming of the U.S. Capitol, I urged President Biden to take aggressive measures to save our democracy through the regulation of social media platforms spreading disinformation, efforts to restore faith in our institutions, and new laws to combat domestic terrorism.
The Chronicle of Higher Education:
"Colleges Are Endangering Students Like Me"
As colleges reopened in the fall of 2020, I published an article for The Chronicle of Higher Education discussing the impossible choice provided to students about whether to return to school or not. Given little information by campus administrations, students were unable to make an informed decision about their own health.
The Nation:
"Joe Biden's Age Isn't the Problem"
In this op-ed for The Nation, I argued against the ageism omnipresent in conversations around President Biden's potential 2024 re-election campaign. Such ageism is "mutually assured destruction for the old and young alike," and young people can play a critical role to stop it.
Cleaver Magazine:
"How I Learned to Smoke"
Published in Issue 39 of Cleaver Magazine, my short story "How I Learned to Smoke" takes place in an Italian restaurant on its last night in operation, as a father monologues advice to his son, paired with tomato sauce, cigars, and too much wine.